Bring back id cards

An idea by - Tagged: , , , , - Discussion: 1 Comment

The idea

Introduce the ID cards – but you have to carry it with you at all times and if you want to buy something – fuel, food etc you have to show it. If you dont have one (you are illegal for example) you cant buy anything.

Why is it important?

stops illegals

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One Response to Bring back id cards

  1. Bluehaus says:

    ID cards do not stop or prevent illegal immigration. In Spain they have had National ID cards for many decades. Several years ago, the Spanish government offered an amnesty to illegal immigrants to come forward and register in exchange for citizenship. Around 750,000 illegals came forward to take them up on their kind offer. Clearly ID cards do not seem to prevent illegal immigrants from living a clandestine existance in a country where there is a large immigrant population already.
    Other EU countries such as France, Italy and Portugal also have major illegal immigrant problems as well. Despite these countries having National ID cards, illegal immigrant colonies still continue to thrive like they do here in the UK.
    Forget National ID cards. They cost billions of pounds to roll out and cure few , if any, of the ills that they are supposed to.

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