The idea
One aspect of the recent MP expenses scandal that was not highlighted is the difference in treatment of MP's expenses versus those of us who pay their expenses under IR480.
If I work away from home, or as soon as I know that this will be the case, my travel, accommodation and other expenses become taxable under IR480. MP's seem to be totally exempt from this rule.
IR480 seems to be in the same vein as IR35 in assuming that we are all "at it" in avoiding tax when in fact all it does is serve to increase the cost of the services that companies and individuals provide in the UK economy.
In a similar vein I am not allowed to "entertain" my customers on pre tax income and neither am I permitted to provide them with a christmas gift of alcohol should I choose.
In government however MP's and ministers regularly entertain all and sundry out of the public purse and in far more lavish circumstances, that I have contributed towards providing, than I can afford.
Let's have some equality !
Oh and a drugs and alcohol policy in the Houses of Parliament should be used to remove subsidised alcohol from the menu of the MP's works canteen !
Why is it important?
This taxation adds uncecessarily to my and other costs for no purpose.
It is not equitable in that those who I pay to represent me have far better and unfair treatment.
I pay for all of my expenses anyway the only question is pre or post tax.
Mp's are housed fed and watered for free !