Get rid of the BBC
Suggested by eli and tagged bbc, tax, tv license. 1 Comment.
The big idea
We should not be asked in this day and age of mass communication to pay taxes to keep one particular broadcaster in business. The BBC wastes the huge amount of money it forces us to pay to just view a tv or listen to a radio and I object to funding the excessive lifestyles ot BBC staff! For instance it takes no less than 5 people to front the BBC’s breakfast show when anyone could do it with two! IT’s not a small amount of money the licence fee and if I want to watch ANY tv in my house I have to pay it. I object to having the element of choice taken from me and if it were’nt for the fact that I could go to prison I would refuse to pay it! I suggest that if it was’n’t for the threats which the BBC hangs over us in the event of not paying their protection money most people would opt for getting rid of the BBC.
Why does this matter?
My idea is important because the licence fee is non negotiable and covers every tv and radio in the country. If you don’t listen to the bbc it doesn’t matter to them you still have to pay their fee. How can this be right? I don’t have to pay a levy to buy newspapers because the state produces one which must be kept in circulation so why do I have to pay the BBC if I don’t use their product.Let them go commercial and see how they do then. The law which keeps them in business must go!
The BBC is th3e most feminist, misandric, afro-centric sewer pipe and we are taxed (TVL) for their benefit!
We are truly mad.