Repeal of drug prohibition laws.

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The idea


Control and regulate the distribution and sale of all recreational drugs. Accept the inevitability of recreational drug use and the failure of prohibition. Make drug use (including nicotine and alcohol) safer for everyone, both the user and society in general.


The logic for repealing drug prohibition laws is overwhelming and unassailable. Why are some drugs such as alcohol and nicotine perfectly legal whilst other less harmful drugs, such as cannabis and MDMA, illegal? It makes no sense why so much time, money and effort goes into criminalising people who seek alternative and safer forms of intoxication. It makes no sense why criminal gangs are given a near monopoly on one of the most lucrative industries in the world. It also makes no sense why two of the most toxic drugs, alcohol and nicotine, can be marketed and advertised to children.


Drug prohibition makes no sense. Our current form of selective drug prohibition makes even less sense. Educate people honestly about drugs and their various effects and then allow them to make their own decisions. Surely this is a basic and obvious human right.

Why is it important?


Our present drug prohibition laws are dangerous and ineffective. They steer people towards alcohol and nicotine, which are two of the most toxic and addictive drugs there are.


Millions of people who use less harmful drugs are criminalised and exposed to the inherent dangers of the illicit drug market.


People who use more harmful drugs such as heroine and crack cocaine can be better regulated and society can be better protected.


Repealing the drug prohibition laws will free the police to tackle crimes that have victims. Violent crime, theft, etc.


Proper regulation of the drug market will reduce our national debt through the taxation of drugs.


Prohibition has led to a sustained campaign of misinformation and distortion of facts. People should be taught about different drugs and their effects in a consistent and unbiased way.


Decriminalisation will open the way for genuine and invaluable research on our relationship with various drugs. We already know a vast amount more than we did in 1971 when the Misuse of Drugs Act was passed into law.


The freedom of intoxication is surely a basic human right. People always have and always will seek altered states of mind. They should be given the choice and education to do so as safely as possible.

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